
6 Neurological Conditions and Symptoms You Should Look Out For


“我们的神经系统由我们身体的一些最重要的部位组成:大脑,脊髓,肌肉和连接它们的神经。”克里斯蒂娜·克里斯曼(Christina Chrisman),医学博士,一名神经肌肉神经科医生横幅 - 大学医学中心凤凰城。“他们负责我们体内许多重要的功能,例如记忆,感知,语言,运动,吞咽,呼吸,甚至肠和膀胱功能。”

When something goes wrong with a part of the nervous system, however, it can cause a neurological disorder.Neurological disorders每年都会影响数百万人,但许多人可能没有意识到他们有一个。


1. Headaches

Headaches是最常见的神经系统疾病之一吗and can affect anyone at any age. While many times a headache shouldn’t be anything too serious to worry about, if your headache comes on suddenly and repeatedly, you should see a doctor, as these could be symptoms of an underlying condition.

“The sudden onset of severe headache as well as headache associated with a fever, light sensitivity and stiff neck are all red flags of something more serious such as intracranial bleeding ormeningitis,” Dr. Chrisman said. “If your headaches are happening often and you find yourself taking over-the-counter pain medication frequently, this is also an indication you need medical attention.”



Epilepsy是一种常见的神经系统疾病,涉及大脑中异常的电活动,使您更容易患有无常见的癫痫发作。Chrisman博士说:“无端的意味着无法通过暴露或从毒品或酒精中退出来解释癫痫发作,以及由于其他医学问题,例如严重的电解质异常或非常高血糖,” Chrisman博士说。

这tricky part is that if you have one seizure in your life, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have epilepsy. But, if you have two or more, it may be epilepsy. Seizure symptoms can vary depending on where in the brain the seizure is coming from. After experiencing a seizure, it’s important to去看医生。有许多effective treatments to manage epilepsy that can result in seizure-freedom, usually medication. “In the appropriate patient, treatment may include epilepsy surgery, which involves removing the seizure focus in the brain, and that can be curative,” Dr. Chrisman said.

3. Stroke


中风通常是由于缺乏向大脑的血液流动,通常是由于动脉中的凝块或阻塞引起的。可以做许多干预措施停止中风这些天,但是在这种情况下,时间是大脑(不是金钱)。这B.E. F.A.S.T.mnemonic is helpful to remember torecognize the signsof a stroke: B: Balance difficulties; E: Eyesight changes; F: Face weakness; A: Arm weakness; S: Speech; and T: Time. These signs and symptoms don’t always mean someone is having a stroke, but it’s very important to call 911 and get help right away, just to be sure.


4. ALS:肌萎缩性侧索硬化症

ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a somewhat rare neuromuscular condition that affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Doctors are unsure what exactly causes ALS, but factors that may cause ALS include genetics and environmental factors.

Symptomsinclude muscle weakness and twitching, tight and stiff muscles, slurred speech, and difficulty breathing and swallowing. Unfortunately, this condition is difficult to diagnose and often requires the evaluation of a neuromuscular neurologist.

“There is usually a delay in diagnosis for this condition of about one year, on average, by the time the patient gets to the neuromuscular specialist and receives the correct diagnosis,” Dr. Chrisman said. “Although there is no cure, there are treatments, and it’s important to start these as early as possible.”

5. Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

Memory loss is a common complaint, especially in older adults. A certain degree of记忆丧失是衰老的正常部分。例如,走进房间,忘记为什么可能完全正常。

However, there are signs that may indicate something more serious, such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. These symptoms may include getting lost, having difficulty managing finances, difficulties with activities of daily living, leaving the stove on, forgetting the names of close family and friends or problems with language. Behavioral changes along with these memory changes could also raise concerns.



帕金森氏病is a progressive nervous system disorder that primarily affects coordination. Generally, it becomes more common as you age, impacting nearly一百万美国人。目前,尚无治愈帕金森氏病的方法,但是有许多治疗选择。




Seizures are also quite serious, so it’s important to seek prompt medical attention for a new onset of seizures and to be aware of safety restrictions, such as not operating heavy machinery, and precautions for your safety as well as the safety of others.

Otherwise, neurological disorders may be slowly progressive and require a specialist to diagnose. Neurology has many different sub-specialties, including neuromuscular disorders, movement disorders and headache. Seek a consultation with a neurologist who specializes in the particular condition for your case to help ensure you receive the best outcome in the long run. To find a Banner Health neurological specialist near you, visitbannerhealth.com


神经科西亚 Enfermedad de Alzheimer y Demencia Salud de la tercera Edad

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