

到那个时刻维生素和矿物质in your diet, you’ve got your big players like vitamins A, B12, C and D, but what about your Zs – or zinc?



After iron, zinc is the most abundant trace mineral in your body, which means it’s a mineral that we can’t do without but only need in small quantities in order to be healthy. Men and women 19 years and older need11 milligrams and eight milligrams, respectively.

“You don’t need much zinc, but it has so many benefits and can really affect how your body works,” said Rachel Harrison, a registered dietitian and certified nutrition support clinician at横幅 - 大学医学中心凤凰城。“它在几种锌依赖性酶系统中起着重要作用,例如参与消化,伤口愈合以及DNA和RNA产生的酶系统。”



The good news is that zinc is found throughout our food, from meat, fish and poultry to whole grains, nuts, legumes and vegetables.

“When I think of excellent sources of zinc, I also think of foods that are high in protein,” Harrison said. “Animal products offer the highest amount of zinc with seafood (oysters, shrimp, crab) and red meat and poultry (chicken, ground beef, pork) providing the highest amounts. Foods likeeggsand dairy products, like milk and cheese, are also great sources of zinc.”

Other zinc-rich foods include fortified breakfast cereals, oatmeal, peas and chickpeas.

2. Zinc helps you maintain a healthy immune system.

虽然该研究对补充锌的补充是否可以帮助治疗您common cold, it can help fend off toxins and foreign substances that threaten your health.

“Zinc can boost T-cell production, which is an important component of the immune system responsible for fighting off infections,” Harrison said. “Low levels of zinc are connected with reduced T-cell function, which explains why those who are zinc deficient are more prone to illness.”

3. Zinc is an important nutrient for your skin.

Zinc has anti-inflammatory properties that may help people with acne,rosacea,psoriasis,湿疹and wound repair.

“Among zinc’s plethora of roles, this mineral also aids in wound repair and tissue repair,” Harrison said. “People with skin ulcers and low levels of zincmight benefit来自锌补品。”

4. Zinc heals your gut.

As long as you don’t overdo it with zinc supplementation, zinc is known as a soothing mineral for the digestive system. It helps repair the cells that line your intestinal tract, keeping them strong and tip-top shape so they can properly absorb nutrients.



但它也可以帮助与年龄相关macular degeneration这是60岁以上人群严重,永久视力丧失的主要原因。尽管不是结论性,但仍有研究表明补充锌may slow or possibly preventthe cellular damage in the retina caused by age-related macular degeneration.


A little bit of zinc can go a long way, but it also doesn’t take much to become deficient in it either.


In addition,consuming too much zinc, especially from supplements, can also have harmful effects and lead to zinc toxicity.

“Toxicity can occur when taking high levels of elemental zinc (for example 570 milligrams) and can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, metallic taste and headaches,” Harrison said. ”If elemental zinc (greater than 40 milligrams) is ingested long-term, copper deficiency can also occur.”

任何人都不需要补充,但是某些群体谁面临更大的缺陷风险。这些包括老年人vegetarians, those with food insecurities and alcohol use disorder.

Harrison shared the following advice if you plan to take a zinc supplement.

“If you’re supplementing zinc take it without other mineral supplements, such as iron and calcium, to avoid medication interaction,” Harrison said. “Zinc also works best in an acidic environment, so talk to your doctor if you’re taking质子泵抑制剂或抗酸剂因为这些会增加pH值或使环境降低酸性。”

The bottom line

Zinc is one of the most vital minerals our bodies need for health. The good news is it can be found in many of the foods we eat.

If you have concerns about zinc deficiency and/or are showing signs of having one, talk to your health care provider.

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