Results for "Historias de pacientes"

Podcasts, Bedside Stories, Inspìrame
Bedside Stories: Robot Cookies
When Janice Cmeyla sought help for difficulty breathing, she had no idea that would involve a “three-armed surgeon” – or that major breakthroughs in new...
Apr 26
Jesse Parker: An Inspiration On and Off the Field
As a history teacher and a football coach, Jesse Parker was an inspiration to countless young people both in his classrooms and on his teams. And it wasn’t...
Jan 29
Podcasts, Bedside Stories
Bedside Stories: Let Them Know
A hospice music therapist and a 37-year-old Phoenix woman with terminal cancer spent four months creating deeply personal music, as a legacy for the patient...
Jan 27
Dream Wedding at Banner Thunderbird Medical Center
As nurses recently admired 22-year-old cancer patient Samantha Preston’s engagement ring, an incredible idea suddenly grabbed everyone’s attention. Preston’s...
Dec 10
Podcasts, Bedside Stories
Bedside Stories: The Flashlight Option
Patient Kim Alten’s annual mammogram led to an option to have genetic testing for cancer, which can help determine whether someone – and their family –...
Jun 15
Podcasts, Bedside Stories, Inspìrame
Bedside Stories: The Speed Bump
Thirteen-year-old Ben Zaccardi took a ride around the block on his dirt bike that ended with him hurling into a cinder block wall, demolishing his body....
May 05
Banner Health Hosts Trunk Or Treat
Care teams at Banner Health's hospitals in Fort Collins and Greeley, CO, transformed their vehicles into fun zones for patients and visitors to enjoy at...
Nov 16
Banner Health Celebrates Halloween 2019
From pediatric patients at our children's hospitals to pre-schoolers and pet therapy dogs, Banner Health celebrated Halloween throughout our Phoenix area...
El deseo de un paciente de volver a bailar
Conozca a Patrick Murtagh, un hombre que vino a Banner Health en busca de fisioterapia, terapia ocupacional y atención médica en el hogar. El Sr. Murtagh...
Aug 05 1
Podcasts, Bedside Stories, Inspìrame
Bedside Stories: One Good Deed
As we wrap up our first season of inspiring and dramatic stories, we’re checking in on many of the memorable patients, medical staff and volunteers who...
Jul 31