

It’s that time of year again. Your eyes are itchy, you sneeze constantly, and you wake up tired no matter what time you went to sleep. Seasonal allergies are just one of the many reasons you may be in the market for eye drops. But when you get to the drug store, you’re met with a row of eye drops listing active ingredients you can barely pronounce. How do you know which eye drops to buy? And will they even solve your problem, or simply treat the symptoms.

We spoke withDaniel Twelker, OD, PhD, an optometrist atBanner - University Medicine Multispecialty Services Clinicin Tucson, Arizona, to get some deeper insight into how eye drops should be chosen.

What Are Your Symptoms?

There are many reasons why you may be turning to eye drops to relieve your discomfort. Common cases include:

  • Red eyes
  • Itchy eyes
  • Dry eyes
  • Teary eyes or eyes with discharge
  • 痛苦的眼睛

Dr. Twelker explained that eye drops can be useful in all of these cases but choosing the right ones can be difficult and may require a little help from an expert. He explained how each of these common cases should be treated and if eye drops should be part of the solution.

Red Eyes

If your eyes are regularly bloodshot or red, they are being irritated by something. Dr. Twelker explained that while over-the-counter (OTC) products like Visine or Clear Eyes could provide temporary relief and clarity, they do not solve the underlying issue. His recommendation is to seek out the real issue with the help of anoptometrist or ophthalmologist

Itchy Eyes

Itchy eyes are often a symptom of过敏性结膜炎。Twelker博士评论说:“诸如酮替芬富马酸烟料眼科解决方案(通用,Zaditor或Alaway)等柜台滴剂每天两次都非常有用。”“ Patanol(每天两次)和Pataday(每天一次)也可以在非处方。”尽管发痒,但请不要揉眼睛。摩擦只会使眼睛更多地刺激,并将细菌引入眼睛。尝试凉爽的压缩以缓解瘙痒,并去看医生,如果瘙痒持续了几天。

Dry Eyes

The most common sensations for dry eyes include burning or something called “foreign body sensation.” You may feel like there is something in your eye, like sand or dust. It is a maddening sensation but try not to irritate your eye further by digging for something that isn’t there. Instead, Dr. Twelker recommended lubricating eye drops, such as Refresh, Systane, Genteal, Theratears ond others. Be sure to apply these drops before the burning sensation comes to avoid the irritating symptoms.

Eyes with Discharge and Painful Eyes


眼睛的炎症likely to occur with both bacterial and viral infections. You may feel some pain or soreness as a result. Prescription eyes drops can also treat high pressure eyes as a result of the infection or glaucoma.

Glaucomais a group of diseases that damage the optic nerve. By the time you feel symptoms of glaucoma, it is likely too late, and the damage done to the nerve is often irreversible. Be sure to stick to regular appointments, even if you have perfect vision to make sure you are aware of your risk for glaucoma and take steps to prevent any damage to your eye.

Your vision is precious. Protect the你的眼睛健康by learning the risks and habits that could be causing damage every day. To find an optometrist or ophthalmologist in your area,

Check out these topics to discover more about eye care.

Atención oftalmológica

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