

如果您居住或前往西南沙漠,您可能会有山谷发烧的风险,因为真菌称为球球菌that lives in the region’s desert soils. Spores from the fungus can become airborne and cause an infection when inhaled.


也以球虫病(其医疗名称),“沙漠风湿病”或“圣华金河谷热”(San Joaquin Valley Fever”而闻名,自1997年以来,这种真菌感染的病例一直在攀升,自2014年以来就增加了一倍。



约翰·加尔吉亚尼(John Galgiani),医学博士, infectious disease specialist atBanner – University Medical Center Tucsonand head of theValley Fever Center for Excellence atthe University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson, said, “Only one out of three infections causes serious illness, which typically presents like pneumonia and makes people feel very sick, often for many weeks or several months.”


  • 咳嗽
  • Chest pain
  • 疲劳
  • Fever
  • 夜汗
  • 头痛
  • 皮疹
  • Joint aches

Even if you are only visiting the Southwest, or you’re a seasonal resident, it is still important to know the signs of Valley fever. That’s because symptoms may not appear until you leave the area, and health care providers in other parts of the country are less likely to recognize the infection as Valley fever.

“They may attribute your symptoms to severe flu, pneumonia or other conditions,” Dr. Galgiani said. “Delays in diagnosis often lead to unnecessary medical care for the wrong diagnoses like bacterial infections, COVID-19 or even cancer. In some people, delays allow the infection to spread.”

In a small percentage of all Valley fever infections, the fungus spreads beyond the lungs to the skin, bones or brain. Although this can happen to anyone, most at risk are those with compromised immune systems, such as people with organ transplants, AIDS or immunosuppressing treatments for rheumatologic diseases. These infections do not go away on their own and often require many years and sometimes life-long antifungal treatments. And frequently, people need one or more surgical procedures to get their infections under control.

How is Valley fever diagnosed?



How is Valley fever treated?

大多数人不需要治疗山谷热 - 您的免疫反应会照顾感染,尽管症状通常需要很长时间才能完全解决。服用像氟康唑这样的口服抗真菌药物三到五个月可能会使某些人更快地康复,但是研究并未证明这一收益。


Most of the time, prior infection makes people immune to Valley fever, but those with compromised immune systems may become reinfected.

How can you protect yourself against Valley fever?

“Anyone can get Valley fever, including children. It’s a good idea to stay indoors during dust storms with your doors and windows shut. But that doesn’t guarantee you won’t get infected,” Dr. Galgiani said.

Knowing that living in or visiting the desert Southwest exposes you to Valley fever can help. That’s because if you know about Valley fever, you’re more likely to seek a diagnosis and receive proper treatment sooner. “Remembering that Valley fever is common here is very important,” Dr. Galgiani said.

Fortunately, Valley fever is not contagious. This means that if you have Valley fever you are not a risk to others, and if you’re in close contact with someone with Valley fever, there’s no need to take precautions.

What about Valley fever in your pets?


The bottom line

山谷热是由生活在沙漠土壤中的真菌引起的肺部感染。如果您认为自己可能患有山谷热,请与医生分享您的担忧。如果你需要与医疗保健专业人员联系to diagnose or rule out Valley fever, reach out to Banner Health.

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