


Since many have had a yeast infection before it may be easy to assume your recurrent symptoms have the same cause, however that is not always the case.

“A vaginal yeast infection is a common fungal infection that causes burning, itching, discharge and discomfort in the vulvar and vaginal areas,” saidJennifer Nelson, DO, an internal medicine-pediatric specialist at横幅– University Medicine Internal Medicine Clinic在亚利桑那州凤凰城。“尽管很常见,但许多其他阴道疾病可以模仿酵母菌感染,但需要不同的治疗方法。这就是为什么与医生讨论症状以确保您接受正确治疗的原因总是很重要的。”

As Dr. Nelson mentioned, there are a few common conditions that can be mistaken for yeast infections. She walked us through four other important vaginal health issues to consider when these symptoms arise.

性传播感染(STIs or STDs)

性传播感染通常可以模仿酵母菌感染,因为它们可能引起阴道炎, an irritation of your vagina or vulva,” Dr. Nelson said. “Symptoms can include vaginal discharge, itching, burning, pain with sexual activity, bleeding and vaginal odor.”


  • Trichomoniasismay sound unfamiliar, which may be due to the fact that most people don’t show any symptoms. This STI is caused by an organism called阴道毛滴虫. If you are one of the few who do experience symptoms, they may include vaginal itching, burning, discharge, pain with sexual activity or lower abdominal pain.
  • Gonorrhea and chlamydia can also be either symptomatic or asymptomatic. If symptoms are present this can include vaginal discharge, burning, or lower abdominal pain.
  • Another unfamiliar but common STI is mycoplasma genitalium (MG). You can also have MG without knowing it or with symptoms, however typical symptoms include vaginal discharge, bleeding or pain with sex and lower abdominal pain.

Depending on sexual practices, symptoms mentioned above can also be seen in the rectal or oral areas.

Treating STIs:These can all be treated with short courses of very commonly used antibiotics. Since STIs can be asymptomatic, it’s important to follow up with your health care provider regularly and undergo routine screenings in addition to when you have symptoms.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis(BV)是15至44岁之间阴道排出的最常见原因。反过来,这种过度生长会导致细菌失衡,从而导致症状。”尼尔森博士说。

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include thin, off-white vaginal discharge that can sometimes be described as having a fishy odor.


Treatment:Bacterial vaginosis is typically treated with a short course of an antibiotic called metronidazole.

An allergic reaction or sensitivity


“与身体其他部位一样,外阴和阴道区域可以发展接触性皮炎reaction to detergents, lotions, soaps and creams that you use ” Dr. Nelson said. “In addition, depending on what products you use, they can also alter thepH of the vaginawhich can lead to increased risk of infections like bacterial vaginosis.”

This kind of vaginal irritation is known as noninfectious vaginitis. It can cause itching and burning and vaginal discharge.

Treatment:Treating an allergic reaction or sensitivity will depend on what’s causing the symptoms and then eliminating them to see if symptoms resolve. Sometimes short courses of steroid creams can help with the itching.


皮肤状况like eczema andpsoriasisas well as lichen sclerosus, an inflammatory condition that is more common in postmenopausal people, can mimic symptoms of a yeast infection. The symptoms of lichen sclerosus are primarily severe itching.

Treatment:Treatment will depend on the skin condition, but lichen sclerosus is usually treated with corticosteroid ointment and requires monitoring as some people,in rare cases,有患外阴癌的风险。

Bottom line


Because many STIs have serious complications if left untreated, it’s important to not wait to see a provider for care and treatment. To在您附近找到健康提供者, visit

Additional Resources:

Salud de la Mujer Ginecología 性爱

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