
你的青少年想要纹身 - 现在是什么?

“Mom/Dad, I want a tattoo.”

This kind of statement may not be a big deal for some parents, especially those with their own tattoos. But for others, this statement could throw you a real curveball. After countless open conversations about social media usage, puberty and sex, you may not have expected this one. As you stare blankly back at your teen wondering how best to respond, a swirl of thoughts—and fears—may run through your head.

纹身不是一个新的fad,但研究表明,即使在过去的年龄也比较年轻的孩子,更多的孩子近一半of Millennials having at least one. Before acting erratically and locking them up in in their room until they are 18 (which is highly illegal), here’s how to have an open conversation and work with your teen to guide them through this decision process.

Why Do They Want One?

Between the ages 12 to 18, teens often seem unpredictable and impulsive, but it is all part of their process of finding their sense of self. You may still exert some influence on them, but most of their influences come externally, from friends, social media and pop culture. One day, they like Bruno Mars, and the next day they’ve moved on to classic rock. Their desire to get a tattoo could simply be the latest “thing” their friends are into. Or, they may surprise you, and it’s something they’ve genuinely thought about for a while.

“你想知道的第一件事是他们的理由,提醒他们支持他们的身份,”练习精神科医生Adeola Adelayo说:Banner Behavioral Health Hospital. “The conversation could lead to a simple answer or it could open the door to issues you were not aware of. For example, if your son wants one to look more tough, you may want to check in on what is happening in school and his social circles.”


如果你的青少年一直想要一段时间,他们可能已经研究了潜在的风险,但是经历纹身涉及的东西很好。约书亚陀莲,md,皮肤科医生在Banner Health Centerin Sun City West, said the biggest risk of getting tattoos at a young age is regret later in life.

“What you think looks great as a teen may not play so well later on when looking for jobs and such,” Dr. Tournas said. “If someone is still growing, the tattoo could also get distorted over time."

Dr. Tournas also said that it’s important, if you do go down this path, that they find a reputable shop that follows good sterilization techniques and are aware of the potential allergic side effects that are possible.

“有艾滋病毒的病例,hepatitis B/C,通过受污染的仪器和油墨进行HPV传输。还有许多不同类型的过敏性和其他类型skin reactionsthat can happen due to various colored inks,” Dr. Tournas said.

Consider a Compromise


“Tattoo removal is not perfect,” Dr. Tournas said. “There is often scarring afterward. Expect many treatments and do not expect perfection.”

If they are of age and still insistent on getting one, Dr. Tournas said that black and green tattoos are the easiest to remove with a laser later than brighter colors. “Brighter colors and lighter skin tones are very difficult and can often darken instead of lighten when exposed to laser.”

Check Your State’s Laws on Tattooing

几乎每个州都有一个law解决了一些方面ct of body art—some require parental permission while others prohibit until age 18 even with parental permission. It may be nice to have the law on your side, but it still won’t address the important conversation you’ll need to have.

If it’s too late and your teen already got a tattoo, you may be angry. But try and breathe. Remind yourself that preserving your relationship by loving them and understanding their need for self-expression is crucial in this period of their life. “This is an important time in their life, so help them learn to navigate safely and appropriately…even through their mistakes,” Dr. Adelayo said.

For more information on the health effects of tattoos, check out this博客文章.

Paternidad. 萨卢德心理 Dermatología.

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