
你能过量维生素吗?看for These Symptoms


“Yes, absolutely,” said Dawn Gerber, PharmD, a clinical ambulatory pharmacy specialist with Banner Health. “Basically, there are two types of vitamins: water-soluble and fat-soluble. Although your body can excrete large amounts of water-soluble vitamins, it holds onto fat-soluble vitamins, which can be toxic at high levels."


“These get caught in our fat, the non-muscular parts of our bodies,” Dr. Gerber said. “The more supplements we take at high doses, the more that accumulates and isn’t flushed out.”

While it’s hard to overdose just eating these vitamins naturally with a well-balanced diet, vitamin supplements can have negative ramifications.

Here’s what you need to know to avoid overdoing it in the supplement department.



Vitamin Ais a fat-soluble nutrient that is naturally present in many foods, like beef, eggs and many fruits and vegetables. An overdose of this vitamin can lead to problems with confusion, hair loss, liver damage and bone loss. It can also cause an increased risk for death and lung-associated issues for those who have a history of smoking—particularly female smokers.

Vitamin Eis a fat-soluble nutrient found naturally in foods and added to some fortified foods that can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, such as air pollution. But taking too much of this supplement can increase your risk for bleeding and bleeding in the brain.

Vitamin Kis a fat-soluble nutrient that’s important for blood clotting, healthy bones and other bodily functions. It’s rare that you’ll overdose on vitamin K by eating things like broccoli. But in supplement form, it can induce blood clots, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes, if you take too much.

What about vitamin D?

You may have noticed we left vitamin D off this fat-soluble list, and there is a good reason (or two for that). “The reason for this is that we don’t typically see overdose with vitamin D as much,” Dr. Gerber said. “The data hasn’t shown detrimental effects of high doses. In addition to this, many Americans are actually deficient in the vitamin as well.”

Don’t overdo vitamin C and zinc either

寒冷季节,流感季节and theCOVID-19 pandemic,many people load up on vitamin C and zincthinking they can fight off—and even prevent illnesses. But the verdict is still out on their potential benefits—especially when it comes to COVID-19.

“Vitamin C is especially hot right now with COVID-19,” Dr. Gerber said. “There’s currently no strong data that shows vitamin C and zinc help with cold viruses. And the verdict is still out on COVID-19, mostly because it hasn’t been around long enough to know.”

Overdose symptoms for vitamin C and zinc

维生素C通常是安全的,但大剂量(超过2,000mg)可能会引起腹泻和恶心。高剂量也会导致falsely elevated blood glucose readings,这对于糖尿病患者可能是有问题的。低血葡萄糖会导致他们感到颤抖,出汗,甚至会导致癫痫发作或失去意识。Gerber博士说:“糖尿病患者使用其家居葡萄糖监测器,其葡萄糖水平看起来不错,但是高剂量的维生素C掩盖了真正的低血糖读数。”


“For example, if you’re taking zinc with an antibiotic, you won’t get 100% of the benefit of the antibiotic,” Dr. Gerber said. “That’s because zinc can bind itself to the antibiotic and weaken the medication’s effectiveness. This can be very frustrating for patients who don’t understand why they aren’t getting better.”

Before you pop a vitamin or supplement, contact your doctor


安排与您的初级保健医生的约会,以评估您的整体健康状况以及您是否缺乏某些维生素。一般提示:这很重要to check in at least once a year with your doctor。您的医生可能会推荐某些非处方补品,或建议简单的饮食调整,以帮助您重回正轨。

You’ll also want to talk to your doctor or a pharmacist to see if any vitamins interact with any medications you are taking.


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