
You hear a lot about concussions these days, but can you separate the truth from the myth? Learn more about common concussion myths and find out the truth from Banner Health.

Common Myths About Concussion

Take a look at some of the common myths about concussion:

Myth:A concussion can be diagnosed with a CT scan or MRI.
Fact:A concussion cannot be diagnosed by CT or MRI scan.

Learn more about concussion screening and diagnosis from the experts at Banner.

Myth:A concussion is strictly a physical injury.
Fact:A concussion is a complex diagnosis with physical, intellectual, emotional and psychological symptoms.

Myth:A concussion is only a problem in sports.
Fact:Concussions also result from other activities such as falls or car accidents.

Myth:It’s not a concussion if you are not knocked out.
Fact:You do not have to be knocked out to have a concussion. 95% of concussions do not result in loss of consciousness.

Myth:Equipment, such as the right helmet, can prevent concussions.
Fact:No football, hockey, baseball, bicycle or other helmet or headgear can entirely prevent a concussion.

Find out more about ways to reduce your risk of a concussion.

Myth:Baseline testing will help prevent concussions.
Fact:Baseline testing is a measure of your pre-concussion cognitive abilities, balance, eye movement and fine motor skills. It DOES NOT prevent brain injury.

Learn more about baseline testing.

Myth:“You just got your ‘bell rung.’ Get back out there!”
Fact:There is nothing tough about getting your “bell rung.” Returning to play after this type of injury can result in more serious injury.

Concussions should be taken seriously. If you or a loved one has experienced head trauma or you think you have a concussion, reach out to your doctor. Ensure you get treatment early to help on the road to recovery. The professionals at Banner Health are here to answer any questions.
