
在Banner Children's,我们理解为父母,听到颅内突变病的诊断可能是压倒性的。我们富有同情心的小儿专家团队在这里为您的孩子制定定制治疗计划,并为您和您的家人提供支持。

What Is Craniosynostosis?

颅缝早闭是一个先天缺陷,影响the shape of the skull. This condition occurs when the sutures separating the skull bones close before the brain has finished developing and growing. While it’s believed environmental factors or genetics may play a part in the development of craniosynostosis, the exact cause is unknown. An abnormal head shape can occur from laying your baby in one position for too long so it’s important to talk to your pediatrician to receive an accurate diagnosis. In most cases, these conditions can fix themselves through natural brain growth and frequent newborn repositioning.

Types of Craniosynostosis

有几种不同类型的颅突变病,这些位置和缝合线受到影响。在Banner Children's,我们的儿科神经外科医生花费时间和精力来了解您孩子独特的颅骨状况来开发最佳治疗方法。





Lambdoid Synostosis



Metopic Synos​​tosis(也称为三角形或Metopic缝合裂颅骨伴随颅骨)是一种更常见的突发症状况,占颅病例的20-25%。Metopic缝合线从软点到鼻子的根,如果过早融合在一起会导致额头形成三角形形状,可能会影响大脑发育。

Testing and Diagnosis for Craniosynostosis

It’s important to talk to your pediatrician if you start to see a misshapen portion of your child’s head. This does not always mean craniosynostosis as it is not unusual for a baby’s head to look a little misshapen. Sometimes this can simply mean your baby needs more frequent position changes and extra tummy time.

After your baby is born, as well as during early well-visits, your pediatrician will conduct a physical exam to look for any sign of craniosynostosis. During this exam, they will look for:

  • Raised edge on your baby’s head
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If anything abnormal is found, your pediatrician may request an imaging test, like a CT scan, to get a better understanding of the shape of your baby’s skull.





Endoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed on babies 6 months and younger to open the closure. During this surgery, the pediatric neurosurgeon will create a small incision and remove the suture that is affected. Endoscopic surgery allows for a quicker recovery and a smaller incision.

Babies 6 months or older are more likely to require open surgery to reshape their skull. During this surgery, the pediatric neurosurgeon will cut open the affected suture and use plates and screws to correct the shape. This type of surgery involves a 2 to 4 day recovery in the hospital.

Helmet Therapy

Helmet therapy, typically used after endoscopic surgery, is used to help reshape the skull over time. Your baby’s head is fitted with a special helmet to be worn for 23 hours a day for an average of 3 months. This therapy is not uncomfortable or painful for your baby as the helmet is made to fit your child.

