Seizure Signs, Types and Risk Factors

癫痫发作可能是一种令人不安的经历。在Ba主頁(欢迎您)nner Health,我们在这里帮助您找到答案,并尽快开始治疗。作为发作护理领域的领导者,我们的专家使用最新的医疗进步和治疗技术来有效地管理您的癫痫发作状况。我们为患者及其家人的教育,支持小组和课程提供了导航诊断的工具。



癫痫发作are not a disease, but rather a symptom of a disorder affecting the brain. During a seizure, abnormal electrical activity in the brain causes chemical changes in your nerve cells, affecting your awareness, behavior and movements.


A seizure can happen to you once or repeatedly. People who experience reoccurring seizures have a seizure disorder called epilepsy.Learn more about Banner Health’s advanced epilepsy care


Sometimes you may not be able to tell someone is having a seizure – the person may just seem confused or to be staring at something. In other cases, seizures cause a person to collapse and be unresponsive. The person may clench his/her muscles and shake or jerk uncontrollably.

When the person comes to, they may be confused, disoriented, tired and have a headache. People also can experience muscle weakness, have difficulty speaking, have temporary partial vision loss and/or loss of other senses. These post-seizure symptoms can last a few minutes, hours or even days.

What to Do If Someone Is Having a Seizure


How to help someone having a seizure:

  • 不要压低他们
  • Don't put anything in their mouth
  • 阻止别人
  • 跟踪癫痫发作持续多长时间
  • Place them on their side to keep their airway clear
  • Move anything hard or sharp
  • If disoriented, guide them away from threats
  • 在和之后安慰它们
  • 与他们保持联系直到完全意识返回
  • 确保该人在癫痫发作后休息



  • 发烧
  • 月经期
  • 缺乏睡眠
  • Strong emotions
  • 激烈的运动
  • Loud music
  • Flashing lights
  • 电解质不平衡
  • 血糖非常低
  • Head injuries
  • 中风
  • 癌症
  • 脑部肿瘤
  • Brain infections like meningitis
  • Medications like some antipsychotics and asthma drugs
  • 退出一些药物,例如Xanax,麻醉品或酒精
  • 可卡因和海洛因等麻醉品



Types of Seizures

Not all seizures are alike. Some can cause you to stiffen, convulse and lose consciousness. Others are less intense, causing you to twitch, have a glazed-over look, or experience altered sensations. There are two major types of seizures: focal and generalized.



  • Retained awareness (simple partial):You remain conscious; however, you may not be able to respond. You also may experience twitching or change in sensations such as taste or smell. Usually, this type of seizure lasts less than two minutes.
  • 意识障碍(局灶性认知或复杂的部分):你可能会失去意识或意识,做这个ngs without knowing it, like chewing, mumbling, walking aimlessly, moving your legs or thrusting your hips. Usually, this type of seizure lasts two to four minutes, followed by a period of confusion.



  • 补品 - 俱乐部(大玛尔):您立即失去知觉。您的胳膊和腿僵硬,肌肉痉挛。您可能会短暂停止呼吸,咬舌和/或发出快速大声的哭声。您可能会失去对膀胱和肠子的控制。通常,滋补性癫痫发作持续不到三分钟。癫痫发作后,您需要休息。您可能会在一段时间内遇到疲劳,混乱和/或头痛。
  • Absence seizures (petit mal):You lose awareness and some muscle control for a few seconds. You may blink rapidly, open and close your mouth, make chewing movements and/or have a blank stare. You don’t experience convulsions. Usually, you don’t have any memory of the seizure and can resume normal activities immediately.

What Is the Difference between Seizures and Epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a neurological condition. Although anyone can have a seizure, epilepsy is defined as having chronic seizures, generally meaning two or more seizures.在Banner Health了解更多有关癫痫护理的信息主頁(欢迎您)
