Post Delivery Care

Back To Maternity

After months of preparing and waiting, it’s finally time to take your baby home. Your focus for the coming weeks or months will likely be your new family member's care. While your attention will be on the baby, it’s important tokeep yourself in mind as well. Adjusting to life with a new baby can take some time, but you can rest easy knowing the team at Banner Health is ready to help you through your postpartum and post delivery journey and help with what to expect.

Post Delivery Appointments

Your body goes through several changes in a short span of time after having a baby, which is why the first post-delivery appointment is important for new moms. Your Banner Health doctor will likely schedule apost-delivery appointmentwith you within two to six weeks after having your baby. If you experienced a high-risk pregnancy, your doctor will likely schedule more than one post-delivery appointment for you. Your baby will have theirfirst appointment three to five days after birthas well.


Breastfeeding after birth can have many benefits for both mom and baby. Banner Health recommends breastfeeding within the first hour after birth if possible. The first thick milk (colostrum) made during pregnancy and just after birth is very rich in nutrients and antibodies which can protect your baby from infections.

Breastfeeding can also help a new mom recover by releasing oxytocin to help the uterus contract, helping to naturally expel the placenta and reduce blood loss.

第一个Bath for Your Baby

Banner Health recommends delaying yourbaby’s first bath出生后至少24小时。推迟他们的first bath can help keep their body temperature and blood sugar regular, increase the mother-child bond, and keeps the vernix on the baby’s skin to prevent drying out.

Newborn Tests

After birth, babies will go through a simple,heel-prick blood testto check for disorders that may not be apparent after delivery. These disorders can be genetic, blood, metabolic or hormone-related. Most tests usually happen after a baby has received at least 24 hours of breast milk or formula.

Discharge Packets and Information

Taking a baby home can be overwhelming, especially for new parents. To make sure you’ve got all the necessary information on how to take care of yourself and your new baby, Banner Health offersdischarge packets and informationfor your first few weeks postpartum.

Banner’s expert staff is here to guide you through your postpartum experience. If you have any postpartum questions, we’re here to help.
