Results for "Alergia e inmunología"

Why Is My Nose Burning?
When someone says their “ears are burning,” that usually means someone nearby is talking about them. But what does it mean when your nose is burning? That...
Jan 28
Red Eyes: The Most Common Causes and Treatments
Pet allergies, pollen, a day at a sandy beach … There are lots of possible causes for red eyes. If you’re having a hard time pinpointing why your eyes...
Jan 18
Here’s How to Break the Itchy Cycle of Hives
If you or your child has ever battled hives, you know they can be frustrating. Hives, also called urticaria, usually start with itching. It’s hard to resist...
Dec 11
Sugerencias para el Manejo de las Alergias Alimentarias durante las Fiestas
La temporada de fiestas está llena de muchas reuniones, celebraciones y platillos deleitables. Sin embargo, si tú o alguno de tus seres queridos padece...
Nov 18
Think You Have a Penicillin Allergy? Maybe Not, According to an Expert
A lot of people think they are allergic to penicillin, but they aren’t. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 10 percent...
Sep 22
Should I Be Scared of Bees & Wasps?
Summertime means a few things – your kids are home from school, you spend more time in a swimsuit than in jeans and popsicles are disappearing from your...
Jun 12
Can the Right Foods Help You Beat Your Seasonal Allergies?
It happens every year—as the seasons shift from winter to spring, your allergy symptoms kick in—your nose runs, your eyes itch and your throat gets scratchy....
May 10
9 Great Peanut Butter Substitutes for People with Allergies
For those of us who grew up eating PB&Js for every meal, a peanut allergy can sound like a prison sentence. Toss out other peanut-based favorites like...
Mar 03
The Surprising Health Risks of Losing Your Sense of Smell
Imagine waking up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting into your bedroom, inviting you to start your day. It seems simple—you know what coffee...
Feb 22
¿Debería Tener un Purificador de Aire? Los Pros y los Contras
Como la comida y el agua, necesitamos aire para sobrevivir. Si bien somos conscientes de los contaminantes del aire afuera, ¿podría el aire de tu hogar...
Feb 12