The Dangers of Fad Diets and Losing Weight Too Quickly
We’ve all seen the seemingly too-good-to-be-true advertisements and social media ads that claim extreme or quick weight loss results. If you’ve ever been...
Mar 03
What is Anovulation, and Can I Still Get Pregnant?
While some women’s periods are like clockwork, for other women, however, they can be completely unpredictable. A woman normally ovulates every 21 to 35...
Mar 01
El Vinagre de Manzana: ¿Cura para la pérdida de peso o mito amargo?
Con seguridad, en algún momento te dijeron que una manzana al día mantiene al doctor en la lejanía. Ricas en vitaminas, minerales y antioxidantes, las...
Feb 28
Tres Sugerencias Para Garantizar Que Tu Niño O Niña Que Empieza a Caminar No Se Deshidrate
¿Sabes si tus hijos están bebiendo suficiente agua? ¿Sabes cuánta deberían de estar tomando cada día? El agua es tan importante para los niños como lo...
Feb 24
Cómo ser una mujer saludable del corazón en tus 20, 30 y 40 años
La enfermedad cardiovascular es la principal causa de muerte para las mujeres en los Estados Unidos. Ocasionó la muerte de más de 289,000 mujeres en 2013,...
Feb 24
Is My Child’s Tummy Pain Pancreatitis or Something Else?
It’s 2 a.m., and your little one is up. No, not for a nightmare or extra snuggles. Instead, they’re crying, doubled over with stomach pain, nausea and...
Feb 24
You’ve Quit Smoking, Now What? 5 Tips to Protect Your Health
Congratulations on kicking your smoking habit! You’ve taken a huge step in improving your health and even adding years back to your life. Within minutes,...
Feb 20
What Is Dry Mouth and What Can You Do About It
Whether you’re nervous, anxious or simply dehydrated, everyone gets dry mouth from time to time. But, if your mouth continually feels like the Sahara Desert,...
Feb 18
Toxic Positivity: What Is It and How to Deal With It
Times have been difficult the last few years. You’re still navigating a global pandemic, you’re witnessing political upheaval, financial struggles, deaths...
Feb 16
8 Mitos Sobre los Condones que Debes Dejar de Creer
帕拉mucho de我们cuando estabamos creciendo, la comprensión del sexo surgió de una combinación de lo que vimos en la televisión y el cine, lo que...
Feb 12


Contributing Writer

里根奥尔森is a freelance writer and editor, who specializes in nonprofit, fundraising and healthcare-related content for both print and digital mediums. Regan has worked in both for-profit and nonprofit industries serving in various marketing communications roles. She has a master’s in health communications and enjoys researching and developing copy that enlightens and empowers others. The mother of two and a proud spouse of a Marine veteran, Regan enjoys traveling with her family, reading mystery novels and sipping margaritas on the beach.
