Community Wellness Screenings

Everyone benefits from a healthy community. Banner Health’s Community Wellness provides education and encouragement for you, your family, your neighbors and your colleagues to lead a healthier life.

Can I Have Health Screenings Without Going to My Doctor?

Banner Health offers classes and screenings around the community. Most are free or have only a small fee.Visit our calendar our calendar for dates and times for events near you.In addition to wellness screenings, we offereducation and support.

Many of our services are offered at the local hospital or at sites in the community. Our goal is help you prevent common health conditions or return you to health with treatment options. Here are some of the screenings and classes we offer:

Blood Pressure Checks

Get your blood pressure checked and recorded in a log so you can share your numbers with your doctor. Checks are free and offered at many locations.

Memory Screenings

了解正常老化之间的差异d dementia. We offer confidential memory screenings to detect dementia early so we can intervene now.

CT Heart Scoring

This non-invasive test accurately measures the calcified plaque in your arteries. The Heart Score program includes a 10-minute consultation with a Wellness specialist. We focus on cardiac risk factors, non-modifiable and modifiable risks and lifestyle behavior changes.

Medicare Counseling

Are you just plain overwhelmed by Medicare or are you have trouble with the cost of your medications? Learn more about Medicare and how to understand your options.

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Series

This education series helps you manage COPD. The team reviews the respiratory system, how it works, what may be wrong, how you can conserve energy and improve your shortness of breath. Anyone with COPD, emphysema, or bronchitis is encouraged to attend, along with family members or significant others.

Advance Directive Information

Ever wonder why Advance Directives are so important? Learn how you can make sure you get the care you need when you can’t speak for yourself.

Balance & Safety Consultation

Falls are the leading cause all Emergency Departments visits. Have concerns about balance? Come for a balance screening and learn more.
