Ultrasound Exam

If you need an ultrasound, you can rest assured that the team at Banner Health are experts at taking ultrasounds and assessing next steps.

What Is an Ultrasound?

An ultrasound can be used to examine internal organs and take images with high-frequency sound waves. Ultrasounds do not use radiation but instead, use sound that travels through the body and bounces off denser surfaces. This is how the image, also called a sonogram, is produced.

When Is an Ultrasound Used?

While ultrasounds are commonly associated with theiruse during pregnancies, ultrasound imagery, also known as sonography, can also be used to examine internal organs and to help diagnosis circulatory problems such as the blockage of blood vessels.

Common type of ultrasounds include:

  • Abdominal Ultrasound
  • Breast Ultrasound
  • Thyroid Ultrasound
  • Kidney Stone Ultrasound
  • And more

How to Prepare for an Ultrasound

An ultrasound imaging test does not require much preparation, if any. Ensure you wear comfortable clothes and ask your doctor about food and drink before the exam. Depending on what the ultrasound was prescribed for, you may be asked not to eat or drink up to 12 hours before.

What to Expect During an Ultrasound

Depending on the type of ultrasound you need you may have your appointment at a Banner Health hospital, clinic or at one of our Banner Imaging locations.

During an ultrasound imaging test, the ultrasound tech will apply a clear gel to the area that is being examined to help the transducer easily move around the area. You can expect a painless experience with ultrasound imaging tests but expect the gel to be cold when applied. The ultrasound tech may apply pressure which can cause some discomfort.

Typically, ultrasound exams take around 30 minutes or less.

Associated Risks

Since ultrasounds do not use radiation like x-rays, there are no known associated risks with ultrasound imaging.

If you have any questions about your ultrasound, talk to your doctor or one of our Banner Imaging experts today.

Find an Imaging Location Near You

Whatever your need, your doctor can refer you to one of our conveniently located free-standing imaging centers or one of our hospitals.
