What to Expect From Hospice Care

The hospice care program at Banner Health looks a little different for everyone based on your needs. You and your loved ones are at the center of decision making. We’re here to offer care, guide you and provide information as you enter into this program.

What Can Families Expect?

We understand how important this time with your loved one is. That’s why we provide our patients and their families with all the resources possible. Your doctor and your team are here to support you by making hospice care available when you need it.

Patients in hospice care will receive care from a multidisciplinary network of experts comprised of physicians, nurses, social workers, chaplains, bereavement counselors and volunteers, who work together to address physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs. These experts will also work closely with the patient’s caregiver and family to provide education and training where necessary.

Additionally, we make sure to listen to our caregivers, give respite and provide support for difficult decisions.


Banner Health hospice care is delivered wherever you call home by an interdisciplinary hospice team, though the level of care will vary by patient. Your hospice team is on-call 24 hours a day to answer questions and handle emergencies. Hospice team members also make visits throughout the week to provide medical care, emotional and spiritual support, and help with personal care such as bathing.

For acute symptoms that are difficult to manage at home, Banner Hospice offers inpatient care. Wherever hospice care is received, we use the same caring team approach with a comfortable home-like setting.

Who Is on a Hospice Team?


  • 医疗总监:Oversee and direct the care plan a patient receives. They are available 7 days a week to care for the patient’s needs in their home or at the inpatient location.
  • Nurse practitioners:帮助确定患者的持续护理需求。他们与其他护理团队合作,根据需要调整和发展患者的护理计划。
  • 护士案件经理:Control and manage pain and symptoms. They help create a care plan and continue to monitor changing needs, while in constant communication with the medical director.
  • Social workers:Address psychological and emotional needs of the patient and family, helping with access to community resources.
  • Home health aides:Help with personal care (bathing, dressing, grooming) and light housekeeping.
  • Additional care may be provided by chaplains, volunteers, registered dietitians and therapists.

Inpatient vs. Home Care


Banner Hospice can also provide general inpatient care within the patient’s hospital. This method of care allows the patient to remain within the same hospital, rather than being transferred to a new location.

If you feel hospice care may be right for you or your loved one, talk to your doctor. Our caring staff is ready to guide you and your loved ones through your hospice experience.
