

凤凰(7月14日,2021年) - 一种新的抗体试验研究,研究最初通过国家健康机构收集的样品我们所有人研究计划发现比最初报道的五个州SARS-COV-2感染的证据。

Johns Hopkins大学的研究人员Light,该研究分析了24,000多个营业血液样本,贡献于1月1日至3月18日至2020年3月18日之间,我们所有人项目参与者在所有50个州。研究人员在九个参与者样本中检测到针对SARS-COV-2的抗体。Positive samples came as early as Jan. 7 from Illinois, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, outside the areas originally believed to be the entrance points in the U.S. Most positive samples were collected prior to the first reported cases in those states, demonstrating the importance of expanding testing as quickly as possible in an epidemic setting.

抗体是血液中产生的蛋白质,响应于感染,例如病毒。它们在战斗感染中发挥着关键作用,并且有助于一个人可能已经暴露于过去的感染,即使他们没有显示出症状。在里面我们所有人study, researchers looked in participant samples for a type of antibodies called IgG, which do not appear until about two weeks after a person has been infected, indicating that participants with these antibodies were exposed to the virus at least several weeks before their sample was taken. In this study, the first positive samples came from participants in Illinois and Massachusetts on Jan. 7 and 8, 2020, respectively, suggesting that the virus was present in those states in late December.

“Science, by doing constant research through programs such as我们所有人,给了我们这个病毒在12月份的辛勤证据,“Sairam Parthasarathy.那MD, Chief of the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson’s Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine and director of Banner Health’s Center for Sleep Disorders, who was not involved in the study.

Uarizona-Banner,它经营我们所有人in Arizona and Northern Colorado, is currently the highest participating consortium in the country with more than 42,000 participants in the program. These volunteers can help support advancing medical research in the state and beyond by having their de-identified personal health information available to local researchers through the我们所有人研究员工作台

“Thanks to the growing number of research volunteers in the我们所有人研究计划和在全国各地都是如此多的人的合作努力,研究人员将能够解决广泛的重要健康问题,调查个人差异对一个人的风险的影响,并具有最广泛的影响,“Eric Reiman.那MD, CEO of Banner Research and one of the leaders of the UArizona-Banner All of Us Research Program. “The COVID findings described in this study are just the beginning.”

整个大流行,我们所有人通过Covid参与者经验(应对)调查,在大流行期间的心理健康,并将其Covid-19与参与者继续进行新微小的调查,从事Covid-19研究。自愿调查询问参与者是否是或计划接种疫苗,如果没有,则提供有关选择不接受疫苗的原因的反馈。找出谁,何时以及为什么参加者接种接种 - 或者不要 - 将有助于研究人员了解疫苗接种对帮助控制疾病的蔓延的影响以及有些人接种疫苗的人存在的障碍。

“受大流行影响最大的健康驾驶的社会决定因素。通常,您的邮政编码是最大的,因为它强调了一些社区,无论是民族,少数民族还是不均匀的社区,涉及像Covid-19这样危机的危险的保健访问负担,“Parthasarathy博士说,谁也是主要调查员National Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL) program in Arizona。“Our goal is to remedy that by promoting better health literacy and more equitable participation in research, clinical trials and access to care, including vaccines.”

The CEAL program, funded by a $12 million award from the National Institutes of Health, aims to increase COVID-19 education among communities who have been disproportionately affected by the disease through community-engaged research, including intervention studies and clinical trials, and outreach. Similar to the我们所有人participant surveys, CEAL research, on which UArizona and Banner also partner, is designed to gain a better understanding of the COVID-19 testing, prevention and vaccination concerns of Arizona’s Latinx, Native American, and African American communities in order to decrease the spread of COVID-19 and improve health outcomes.

了解有关该计划的更多信息,或注册,访问AllofUsAZ.orgor call 877-268-2684.

亚利桑那大学 - 横幅健康计划得到了国家卫生研究院支主頁(欢迎您)持我们所有人研究计划资助奖颁发OT2OD026549与以前的奖项UG3OD023171-01和UG3OD023171-01S1和CEAL资金奖OT2-HL156812。

“我们所有人”我们所有人logo are registered service marks of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS).

About the我们所有人研究计划: The mission of the我们所有人研究计划is to accelerate health research and medical breakthroughs, enabling individualized prevention, treatment, and care for all of us. The program will partner with one million or more people across the United States to build the most diverse biomedical data resource of its kind, to help researchers gain better insights into the biological, environmental, and behavioral factors that influence health. For more information, visitjoinallofus.org.andAllofus.nih.gov。对于亚利桑那新闻,参观AllofUsAZ.orgor脸谱网Instagram那andTwitter@AllofUsAZ.

Headquartered in Arizona, Banner Health is one of the largest nonprofit health care systems in the country. The system owns and operates 30 acute-care hospitals, Banner Health Network, Banner – University Medicine, Banner Medical Group, long-term care centers, outpatient surgery centers and an array of other services, including Banner Urgent Care, family clinics, home care and hospice services, pharmacies and a nursing registry. Banner Health is in six states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Nebraska, Nevada and Wyoming. For more information visitwww.apyuante.com.

About the University of Arizona Health Sciences

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