Results for "Prevención de envenenamientos"

Eating Stuff That’s Not Food? It Could be Pica.
You may think that eating things that aren’t considered food is just something you see on shows like TLC’s “My Strange Addiction.” However, it’s more common...
Dec 02
One Fentanyl-Laced Pill Can Kill You. Here’s How to Protect Yourself
Fentanyl is a drug that has the same effects as morphine or heroin, but it’s significantly more powerful than these drugs. That means a tiny dose can have...
Nov 23
¿Algo Se te Metió al Ojo? Encuentra Alivio con Unas Cuantas Parpadeadas
Los ojos son poderosos… y muy sensibles. Si algo se ha quedado atrapado en tu ojo en alguna ocasión, entonces, ya sabes qué tan sensibles pueden ser. Incluso...
Summer Safety Tips: Everything You Need to Know to Enjoy the Season
School’s out for the summer! With COVID-19 vaccinations on the rise, getting out this summer is at the top of everyone’s mind. Whether you’re going on...
Jun 15
Should I Be Scared of Bees & Wasps?
Summertime means a few things – your kids are home from school, you spend more time in a swimsuit than in jeans and popsicles are disappearing from your...
Jun 12
What to Know if a Loved One Is at Risk for Overdosing
Drug overdoses can happen in a lot of different ways. Someone on multiple medications could lose track of what they took and when they took it. Someone...
May 28
How to Spot the Springtime Hazards Hiding in Your Garage
It’s spring-cleaning time! And as you’re clearing out your garage or shed, there’s a good chance you’ll come across some products and chemicals you need...
Mar 20
How to Keep Your Yard Free of Critters that Sting and Bite
Ah, springtime. The season of warmer weather, flowers blossoming, birds singing—and the start of a cycle that can bring out dangerous pests. “The bloom...
Mar 08
Por Qué Nunca Debes Tirar el Inserto Incluido en el Empaque de tu Medicamento
Podría ser que tu hija tiene faringitis estreptocócica y su doctor le recete un antibiótico. Podría ser que estés resurtiendo tu medicamento para el control...
Feb 21
You don’t need to memorize the Periodic Table to know the difference between O, CO and CO2. We interact with oxygen (O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) with every...
Jan 16