
更常见的条件之一that causes pain in the hands and wrists is carpal tunnel syndrome. The origin of the disorder is still somewhat unknown but certain movements in the hands and wrist can aggravate the condition and lead to sharp or dull pain, stiffness and weakness in the hand and wrist. This is especially true for repetitive movements or performing a motion for extended periods of time, such as typing or sowing.

If you think you may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, schedule an appointment with a hand and wrist specialist at Banner Health for treatment options.


Carpal tunnel syndrome is stress or compression to the median nerve, which runs through the palm side of the hand. The median nerve provides sensation (feel) to the thumb, index finger, middle finger and part of the ring finger. Swelling constricts the space around the nerve and causes the compression of this nerve. This can lead to numbness, weakness and tingling on the side of the hand near the thumb.


While the root cause is still up for debate, it is certain that inflammation is what causes nerve compression. A common cause of this inflammation is an underlying medical condition that causes swelling in the wrist and a restriction of blood flow. Conditions that are frequently linked to carpal tunnel syndrome include:

  • 糖尿病
  • 甲状腺功能障碍
  • 体液潴留
  • 高血压
  • Autoimmune syndrome (such as rheumatoid arthritis)
  • Injury or trauma


  • 使用键盘时,手腕的重量打字或尴尬的定位
  • 长时间暴露于振动(例如使用手或电动工具)
  • 手腕和手的过度伸展,诸如打字或弹钢琴之类的活动


Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome usually start gradually and worsen over time or with aggravation. Common symptoms include:

刺痛或麻木- 这可以在手指或手中,通常是在拇指,索引,中指和环手指中,并且可以移动到手腕和下臂。感觉也可能感觉像是轻度的电击。

关节疼痛- 通常在手指关节中刺痛,疼痛可能会伴随着刺痛感,并且可以一直移到肩膀上。

弱点- 这可能会影响您的握力或捏小物体的能力,并且在老年人中可能更为严重。







  • 花时间全天休息
  • 避免活动加剧症状
  • Applying ice or cold compression to reduce swelling





The goal of surgery is to relieve pressure on the median nerve. The procedure used to accomplish this is called carpal tunnel release surgery. In this procedure, surgeons cut through the carpal ligament to create more space for the median nerve and surrounding tendons. The procedure can be performed in two different ways:

内窥镜手术– Performed using small incisions, a scope and a tube with a camera and a light. This allows for the surgery to be done with minimal invasiveness, less pain and shorter recovery time.

开放手术- 对于更严重或更复杂的情况,可以通过将手掌切开在腕管上并切穿韧带以使神经免受压力的方式来完成此过程。



You may experience pain, swelling and stiffness following the operation. Your doctor will recommend that you gradually begin using your hand and wrist after the ligament has healed, initially avoiding any heavy usage.
