Results for "Cáncer"

Expert Advice to Prevent Gagging During an Endoscopy
Do you have a sensitive gag reflex? This sensitivity can lead to significant difficulties with swallowing pills and tolerating dental work and endoscopic...
Mar 03
9 Ways You Can Reduce Your Risk for Cancer
In some way, almost everyone will be touched by cancer in their lifetime. In fact, 1 in 2 women and 1 in three men will be diagnosed at some point in their...
Feb 02
Liquid Biopsy May Change the Way We Treat Cancer
Blood tests have long told us a lot about what’s going on in our bodies—from whether we have certain conditions like diabetes to whether our organs, like...
Jan 27
Cold Caps: Preventing Hair Loss During Chemotherapy
An annoying cowlick, frizzy hair that can’t be tamed—we’ve all had bad hair days from time to time. But for those with hair loss, particularly those experiencing...
Jan 21
How Childhood Cancers Differ from Adult Cancers
Even though your child may be the spitting image of you or share your unique personality, they aren’t just small adults. Children require special care...
Jan 17
Por Qué Tus Hijos No Deben Saltarse la Vacuna Contra el VPH que Combate el Cáncer
La mayoría de los padres de familia eligen vacunar a sus hijos contra el sarampión, la polio, la meningitis y otras enfermedades prevenibles mediante la...
Jan 16
If you’ve gotten chemotherapy, a bone marrow transplant, or radiation therapy for cancer in your head, neck or mouth, there’s a good chance you’ve also...
Jan 05
Life After Testicular Cancer: What Survivors Should Expect
For testicular cancer survivors, remission is a monumental milestone that deserves celebration. However, it rarely means there’s no more worry. After all,...
Dec 21
How to Evaluate Your Risk for This Rare Type of Lymphoma
If you have textured breast implants, you could be at risk for breast implant–associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). BIA-ALCL is a cancer...
Nov 29
Stomach Cancer’s Most Obvious Warning Signs
Stomach cancer used to be common in the U.S. In fact, it was America’s leading cause of cancer death for much of the early 20th century. Now, though? It’s...
Nov 21