Wellness In Nursing

Banner’s Wellness In Nursing strategy is a forward-thinking approach to improving the nursing experience holistically. We take a holistic approach to improving nursing because we know from patient care that so many aspects of health and wellness are interwoven and interdependent. From supporting emotional wellness and creating more balance in the day-to-day experience of nursing to integrating nurses into decision-making processes, Wellness In Nursing is revamping the profession as a whole. We are transforming how nurses are supported both as individuals and a community.

A Better Work Experience

At Banner Health, we have created spaces and systems that allow nurses to focus on patient care while still being able to take care of themselves in the process. We have reimagined how nurses experience their day-to-day work life. With an approach of thoughtful design, we’ve created respite rooms so nurses have a tranquil space when they need to take a break. We’ve also reimagined our approach to staffing to protect nurses' time and emotional needs by balancing patient acuity loads fairly and adjusting our nurse-to-patient ratio. And, we’ve prioritized professional growth opportunities for nurses, ensuring that there are avenues available for all individuals to bring their unique gifts and interests to.

Leadership and Advocacy

Having a voice and knowing that it is heard is crucial to feeling respected. At Banner, we make sure all of our nurses always have a voice and multiple ways to provide their perspective and feedback. Nurses can participate in decisions that affect them though the Professional Nursing Congress, which empowers them to make decisions related to nursing practice, advise workflow issues and weigh in on policy. Additionally, we have designed our leadership to include nursing professionals so that the nursing perspective is present at every level of the organization.

Counseling and Trauma Support

Being a nurse is both rewarding and challenging, and sometimes those challenges weigh you down. Having to remain calm and collected on the frontlines in the midst of chaos can often cause “secondary victim” trauma. To make sure you have the resources you need to stay strong, we’ve partnered with MyWell-Being to offer counseling and trauma support to help our employees heal from these experiences, both onsite and online.

Onsite counselors provide nurses one-on-one support, connecting them with other key resources and tools to support their emotional needs. The counselors also provide well-being education and facilitate support groups and critical incident stress debriefings to support our nurses.

Individual Wellness

You need to be able to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. That’s why Banner Health offers support and programs for nurses to take care of themselves. Being your best self also empowers you to be a better nurse.Learn more about the MyWell-Being program.

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