
At Banner, we believe that being healthy means so much more than just physical health. It also encompasses mental health, financial health, balance, growth and life satisfaction. It is important for us to prioritize health not only as a health care provider, but also as an employer. Your well-being matters to us, and we have created the award-winning MyWell-Being Program to support you and your health journey.

MyWell-Being Program

We are investing in our nurses’ overall well-being because they deserve to be their best selves and achieve their individual goals. As a Banner employee, nurses are able to customize their interests and what healthy habits are important to them within the MyWell-Being Program.

Our MyWell-Being Program includes

  • App for health tracking
  • Financial planning and assessment tools and resources
  • Nutrition guides and meal planning
  • Mindfulness tips and reminders
  • Self-growth and development
  • Educational seminars and other learning opportunities
  • Volunteering and community opportunities
  • Weekly and team healthy habit challenges
  • And more

Get Healthy and Get Rewarded

When you are on a Banner health plan and participate in the MyWell-Being Program to improve your overall well-being, you earn points that can be redeemed as a discount on your health insurance premium—up to $420 dollars off per year! If you are not on a Banner health plan you can still participate to earn up to $180.

MyWell-Being in Action: Megan Parsons

Megan Parsons, an RN Director at Banner Health, has found a sense of peace by taking control of her well-being with the help of the MyWell-Being Program, and in turn, she is better able to be there for others.

“I had a lot of inner peace knowing I was taking care of myself and my family, and it made me show up and be my best self for my team and patients at work. As a nurse, being well for me means taking care of myself first so that I can give to my family and to my team. For many years, I think I put my own needs and my own self on the back burner, and I don’t think you can do that and really show up as your best self.”

“The overarching message of what I’ve learned and what I would like to express to others is that, until you give yourself permission to take care of you, it is difficult to be more for others. You will be so much more successful giving to others when you are feeling well. You can find joy differently when you have found wellness in your life.”

The Benefit of Community

One of the greatest benefits to being a nurse at Banner is being a part of our vibrant community that’s built on the principles of support, advocacy and inclusion. We value that our community means showing up for work every day and being a part of a team working towards the same mission and supporting one another along the way.Learn more about the supportive and rewarding community of nurses at Banner Health.

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