
Banner Estrella医疗中心(BEMC)于2015年10月获得了著名的磁铁名称。以下是与横幅卫生专业实践模型(PPM)有关的专业护理贡献的示例。主頁(欢迎您)主頁(欢迎您)Banner Health的PPM是创建专业实践环境的基础,并嵌入了BEMC的结构和过程中。PPM是护士的结构,可支持专业护理实践的发展并促进出色的患者护理经验。


  • Head Shaping positioning device:通过在新生儿重症监护室(NICU)中使用婴儿头部塑形设备来纠正dolichopephaly的循证实践中的护士。横幅健康主頁(欢迎您)护理发展基金为NICU提供了购买位置设备的赠款,并为获得颅骨指数的卡尺提供了赠款。事实证明,这种做法的变化对NICU有益,并且对整个NICU的健康形状畸形的认识都提高了。
  • Banner Dysphagia Screening Tool validated:BEMC was one of four Banner Health facilities to research and validate a dysphagia screening tool utilized by nursing to screen patients for dysphagia with prolonged mechanical ventilation. The dysphagia study was published in the American Journal of Critical Care and is being disseminated nationally and world-wide.
  • VAN Screening tool added to ED nursing practice:to aid in quicker identification of large vessel occlusions of stroke patients, nurses at BEMC are educated to use an additional screening that is quick, effective and requires no calculation of scores: The Vision, Aphasia, and Neglect (VAN) screen tool. The VAN assessment tool aids in quicker identification of large vessel occlusions; thereby, aiding quicker transferring times for patients needing a higher level-of-care facility sooner when indicated.


  • 扩散程序:班纳斯特雷拉医疗中心is focused on helping their employees develop resiliency in today’s fast-paced environment. A program was created, developed and implemented to support all health care team members throughout any stressful or unanticipated event that may impact emotional well-being. The program helps to prevent burnout and build resilience. Care carts are also available to use when any unit or situation calls for a little extra care to care for BEMC employees after a stressful event.
  • Shared leadership:有一个健壮的interd横幅Estrella医疗中心isciplinary shared leadership (shared governance) program in individual departments as well as the facility-wide shared leadership committee. Recent projects that the BEMC (‘House’) shared leadership have collaborated and delivered: St. Mary’s food drives, employee car washes to donate either money or used healthcare equipment to the Southwest Lending Closet, selection of monthly STARS recipient (recognition program for individual and/or a group award each month), patient supply rooms standardization, yearly Shop-n-Swap of hospital office supplies, Stairwell beautification project, EBP project resulting from Nurse Attitudes and Practices Promoting Sleep Study, development of a ‘Compassion Cart,’ ‘Scrubs Day’ where people bring in pairs of mildly used to staff members who need a pair scrubs, equipment labeling per unit/floor with color coding, and labeling of orthopedic recliner. These projects are among the many that shared leadership has delivered at BEMC.
  • RN recognition:Banner Estrella重视他们的护士,并有幸纪念和庆祝护士为提供出色的患者护理提供贡献的许多出色方式。Some of the ways BEMC recognizes outstanding nurses is through quarterly celebrations honoring nurses with The DAISY Award, annual Nurses Day celebrations and Awards and in the monthly Professional Practice e-update newsletters recognition section that honors BEMC nurses’ milestones for RN’s who: hold positions/offices in professional nursing organizations, publish, present at conferences, complete research or an evidence-based practice projects, earn a higher degree or obtain a national certification. Each unit has a beautiful and special recognition wall that was designed by clinical nurses and their collaborative partner in the security department (shared leadership) to honor each registered nurse who has taken their exam and received national certification for the specialty of their practice. Banner Estrella Medical Center registered nurses are also recognized for their research/EBP/PI work when receiving acceptance for conference posters and podium presentations through the support of educational funds. Additionally, nursing research Grant Awards recognize registered nurses and occurs each year if a BEMC RN submits and is selected for a grant for research, EBP or PI project. These grants are provided by the Nursing research Grant Awards from the Better Together Campaign, Nursing Development Fund.


  • Neonatal Intensive Care Parent Advisory Council:this council is an outreach of former NICU babies’ parents to new parents while collaborating with staff to provide enhanced emotional support to parents and families of Banner Estrella Medical Center’s tiniest patients. Examples of the council’s influence include a change in visiting hours and an increased number of NICU visitors allowed in the unit at one given time. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is open 24 hours/ 7 days a week and up to four (4) individuals may now visit the infant’s bedside at the same time. Other changes from input of the council has provided an improvement to the discharge process and the adoption of EBP Kangaroo Care (an evidence-based practice and technique for holding a baby skin-to-skin with their mother or father). The council is a wonderful mechanism for NICU patient family members to collaborate with other new parents and the nursing staff to enrich the care environment for BEMC’s tiniest patients.
  • BEMC Patient Family Advisory Committee:该委员会成立于2018年9月,包括来自凤凰城,固特异,Avondale,Tolleson,Buckeye和Palo Verde的社区成员。委员会的工作始于制定宪章使命,愿景和章程的发展。讨论护理人员对他们对患者和家庭的影响的理解的重要性促使委员会制定一项有关敏感性意识培训的计划,并由委员会成员向BEMC的新毕业论坛提出了该计划。其他成就包括对“淋浴门上的白板”项目的新模板的反馈,审查由医疗/外科部门开发的排放包以及对新横幅着装要求的印象。Banner Estrella的注册护士重视委员会在使医疗保健更轻松的情况下的观点,建议和帮助,以使生活变得更好,因此对于BEMC服务的社区而言。
  • OB-ESI Tool developed and evaluated through research study at BEMC:a four-level classification Obstetric Emergency Severity Index (OB-ESI) triage tool was developed, implemented and evaluated. This tool helps nurses to accurately triage and prioritize OB patients so that the most acute patients receive care in a timely manner. The OB-ESI became a part of Banner Health’s electronic medical record documentation in 2019 and the tool is being disseminated through a professional journal manuscript submissions and nursing conferences in Arizona. The goal is that the tool will be disseminated and used across the nation.