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11 Infertility Myths and the Facts Behind Them

A lot of couples face infertility. According to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), 6% of American women ages 15-44 aren’t able to get pregnant after one year of trying. And in the U.S., nearly 9% of men ages 25-44 said they or their partner had visited a doctor about it.

对于正在努力设想的夫妻,不孕症通常仍然是神秘的。在医生的办公室外,这个话题很少讨论公开讨论 - 夫妻经常感到羞怯或对他们不孕的斗争令人尴尬。这种秘密在黑暗中保持别人。关于不孕症的神话进入文化,他们影响人们的决策。

We wanted to correct these myths and misconceptions, so we talked toSohaib Kayani., MD, an OBGYN at Banner Health Center in Arizona. Here are 11 common infertility myths and the actual facts behind them.

Myth 1: Infertility is typically the woman’s fault

根据这一点国家健康研究所(NIH), one-third of infertility cases are caused by male reproductive issues, one-third by female reproductive issues, and one-third by both parties or by unknown factors. Dr. Kayani put it this way: “Infertility is a people problem, not just a female problem.”

Myth 2: Couples should always try for at least a year before seeing an OBGYN

通常,不孕症被定义为无概念无保护性交的一年。但是,这更像是一个指南,而不是实际规则。许多夫妇应该早点寻求医疗帮助 - 例如,35岁以上的女性,具有不规则时期的历史,肌瘤,子宫内膜异位症,盆腔粘合剂疾病,异位妊娠或多重流产的人。对于具有男性历史的手术,感染或创伤到生殖器的夫妇也是如此。

Myth 3: Woman can’t get pregnant after 35

这个神话is incredibly common. While a woman’s peak reproductive years begin in her late teens and continue into her late 20s, “many women will go on to have healthy pregnancies later in life,” Dr. Kayani assured. For example, about one in six couples in which the woman is 35 and older have fertility problems, according to theCDC— that means plenty of women age 35 and above are doing just fine fertility-wise.

Myth 4: Using birth control can cause infertility

The pill doesn’t impact fertility, either positively or negatively. And a woman’s normal menstrual cycle will almost always continue within a month or two after she’s stopped taking the pill. But if things haven’t gone back to normal within three months of stopping birth control, make an appointment with your OBGYN.


In reality, male infertility isn’t that simple. Most men with infertility have no noticeable signs that there’s any problem. The cause can be a low sperm count — this is usually what people imagine — but sperm movement (motility) and sperm shape (morphology) also play a part.Studies已经表明,在物理上要求工作或服用两种或更多种药物的男性可能具有较低的精子计数,并且高血压可以对精子的形状产生负面影响。


Irregular menstrual cycles are pretty common. “Sleep disruptions, stress levels and exercise routines can alter the delicate balance of hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle,” Dr. Kayani explained. “If you have concerns about irregular cycles, it’s worth bringing up to your gynecologist sooner rather than later,” especially if you’ve gone more than three or four months without a period.


当然,增加年龄往往是责备 - 超过35岁以上的女性超过50岁以上的生育率,据美国生殖医学协会— but young men and women still deal with it, too. Dr. Kayani pointed out that nearly 1 in 10 women face infertility before reaching age 30.




It’s true, most couples experiencing infertility will get pregnant eventually. But most doesn’t mean all. Some folks have issues that just aren’t fixable, while others face problems that can’t even be explained. “The truth is, not everyone can get pregnant even with interventions,” Dr. Kayani said. “Those experiencing infertility should not feel as if they are to blame or aren’t trying hard enough.” Sometimes it’s just not in the cards.


如实,一般健康是最大factor for fertility, in both men and women. Drinking too much alcohol, exercising too much, being underweight or overweight — it all matters.

Myth 11: If you can’t afford expensive procedures like IVF, you shouldn’t consider treatment

对于处理不孕症的夫妻,体外施肥(IVF)很少是第一个选择。还有许多其他治疗方法(比较便宜)。这些治疗通常通过简单的血液测试来确定。根据这一点NIH, 85-90% of infertility cases are treated with conventional medical therapies like medication or surgery. For you, the solution may be as simple as a pill or a minor medical procedure.


如果您或您的伴侣正在遇到与不孕症相关的问题,则可以提供帮助。到vwin.comac德赢官方首页 near you, visit bannerhealth.com.


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