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学校为夏天出去了!和Covid-19疫苗接种on the rise, getting out this summer is at the top of everyone’s mind. Whether you’re going on a road trip, sending your kids to camp or just relaxing by the pool, these tips can helpkeep your family safethis summer season.


Anytime you are outdoors in the sun, it’s important to protect your skin from potential damage. While tanning in the sun might sound fun, unprotected exposure to the sun’s powerful UV rays can have a lasting negative impact on your body. From sunburns to skin cancer, being aware of your sun exposure and taking the proper steps to protect your skin are important.


Firing up the summer festivities

太阳不是今年夏天唯一能烧你的东西。野餐,烧烤和家庭聚集在一起,如果您不正确准备,都会出现问题。查看以下文章,以便在射击烤架时保持安全或enjoying the fireworks.

Read this article to了解您应该了解烧伤的内容。无论伤害的原因如何,一些烧伤都需要专门照顾。了解更多信息烧伤服务在横幅主頁(欢迎您)健康,访问BannerHealth.com。

In the heat of the season

When you’re out and about pursuing outdoor activities during the summer, you may feel a variety of symptoms caused by excessive heat exposure. Some examples includeheat exhaustion,cramps, severe headaches and sometimes a heat stroke. Taking the time to learn aboutstaying safe in the heat可以拯救你的生活。查看本文以了解有关热与热疾病的更多信息和保持安全的方式。

And while accidents do happen in the heat, being especially aware of your surroundings can also save the life of someone you love. To many of us, it probably seems impossible to forget our child in a car. But it happens, and in the summer heat, it can have tragic consequences. Be aware of your surroundings and永远不要把孩子留在车里。


Do you know if you or your children are drinking enough water? How much water should you drink per day? Forget the simple math—eight glasses a day isn’t the answer. And forget the complicated math, too—half your body weight in ounces isn’t right, either. Check out these articles to learn more about staying hydrated this summer:


许多家庭通过在游泳池和其他水源度过时间来休息一下。不幸的是,这可能会造成与水有关的伤害和死亡的潜力 - 即使有人可以游泳。有关的更多信息孩子,青少年和成人溺水预防,check out these articles:

When lightning strikes

您总是听到有关闪电罢工的故事以及如何被一个人击中的机会非常罕见。虽然这是真的 - 在风险高时保护自己总是更好的。这是闪电罢工时你可以做些什么!


我们在一年中最热的时间和数千名狂热的徒步旅行者和露营者继续使用他们的靴子并击中开放的小径,湖泊, and campsites across the country. Getting outside is a good thing no matter what time of year it is and there is plenty of beauty to enjoy in the summer months. However, safety is paramount when you are doing any户外休闲。Check out these articles to keep the great outdoors as stress-free as possible:

Bugs, scorpions and snakes…oh my!

和summer here, many of us will find ourselves outdoors with friends and family, barbecuing, hiking and splashing around in the water. While you are enjoying the warmer weather, so are some other uninvited guests: bugs and other biting critters. Each year, theBanner Poison and Drug Information Centerreceives thousands of calls about bugs, scorpions and snakes, particularly in the summer months, so understanding what to do in the case of a bite or sting is very important.

For more information about沙漠渣油喜欢scorpions,black widowsrattlesnakes看看这些文章:

In the case of an emergency related to drugs or poisoning, dial (800) 222-1222 to be connected to a local poison and drug information center near you.


通常,一个带援助和一个吻可以更好地让任何孩子的手机更好,但对于任何生命的起伏,扭伤和痛苦来说,这仍然很重要 - 无论你的年龄。由于无意的伤害一直发生,所以用急救箱和适当的药物治疗伤害,轻微切割,刮擦,burns扭伤可以使所有的差异。阅读更多内容急救必需品和夏季必备

保持哟u on your toes

和the warm summer months also comes the time for sandals, flip-flops and other pool gear. What you don’t want, is to be dealing with any foot problems when trying to enjoy the summer fun. Check out these articles to help protect your feet in the summer heat:


Summer means days at the pool, road trips to the lake and hiking through the mountains. Your kids are homework-free and ready for the next adventure. But are YOU ready? Take thissummer safety shopping listwith you to the store and kick off a fun and safe summer!

安全 健康 毒药预防 皮肤癌

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