

Most of us acknowledge the benefits of exercise, but for busy parents, it can seem near impossible to do when you’re keeping up with all your other responsibilities. Parenting is a full-time job, between all the diaper changes, helping with homework, feedings和饭菜并跟上家务。进行锻炼,更不用说从浴室里的孩子藏了几分钟的禅宗,这似乎是一个不可能的梦(他们似乎总是知道如何找到您?!)。

But don’t let your responsibilities as a parent derail your fitness goals. Your children want you around for a long time, and one way to achieve that is through定期运动。在您的日程安排中找到一个漏洞并不容易,尤其是如果您也有薪水工作,那么为什么不一起寻找时间呢?这样做可以帮助您继续达到健身目标,获得一些联系的时间,并将积极的健身习惯灌输到孩子的生活中。


Did you know that少于四分之一(24%)的儿童(6至17岁)每天获得建议的60分钟中等至剧烈的体育锻炼?就像锻炼能保持成年人physically and mentally strong随着年龄的增长,这对儿童的健康和福祉也至关重要。

Physical activityhas an innumerable amount of benefits to children, including helping kids build and maintain healthy bones and muscles and maintaining a healthy body mass index,” said阿比盖尔·汉密尔顿,医学博士,骨科医生Banner – University Medicine Orthopedics Clinic在亚利桑那州图森。“尤其是对于青少年小组,年龄在5岁时,它可以帮助他们建立协调和肌肉记忆。它可以提高自尊心,改善学校表现并减少心理健康问题,例如焦虑和抑郁。”

[For more information on the benefits of physical activity, check out:physical activity factsphysical activity recommendations by age groupfrom the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.]


Getting even a few minutes of “me time” can seem near impossible, especially if you are all stuck at home these days. However, with a few simple tips, you can get your kids moving and hit your fitness goals both at the same time. Here are 5 ways to get your bodies moving:

1. Make it a game.“The number one way to engage your kids in your workouts is by making it fun and engaging,” Dr. Hamilton said. Create an obstacle course, play follow the leader or play a simple game of tag to break up a workout.

2. Explore different physical activities.让您的孩子一起参加许多不同的活动,例如骑自行车,游泳,足球,网球和篮球。“数据支持introducing young children to a variety of different sports instead of specializing too young,” Dr. Hamilton said. “Think of it as family exploration.” Your child might find a sport or activity they enjoy. The more they enjoy it, the more likely they’ll continue with it.

3. Have a dance party.Whether dancing with baby in your arms or carrier or shaking your groove thing with your toddler and older children, crank up the tunes and start moving. You can let your kids pick the music or use your own. Or look up a kid-friendly dance party on YouTube that has age-appropriate dance moves to follow.

4.呼吸和伸展。Teach your child some simple stretches or yoga poses do alongside one another. There are even some great instructionalmeditations, yoga并在线伸展视频适合儿童,但您也可以从中受益。

5. Seek seasonal activities.利用在户外。在夏天,游泳可以使孩子们活跃起来几个小时。当您观看水或游泳时,踩水。在秋天,在大自然中走出一些短暂的徒步旅行。在冬天,去雪橇,教他们滑雪或进行老式的雪球战斗。

[Check out these important游泳安全提示冬季安全提示对于婴儿和儿童。]

Bonus! Don’t forget about baby!


  1. 在婴儿车里和他们一起散步或慢跑。
  2. Do lunges, squats and bench presses using your baby as weights. For lunges and squats, hold your baby in your arms, hands or in a wrap or carrier.
  3. Do peek-a-boo pushups while they do tummy time. “Babies enjoy watching motion at this age,” Dr. Hamilton said.

Safety tips to remember


Focus on proper form.Proper form reduces the likelihood of injury. Get your child off on the right foot (or feet) by ensuring they are maintaining proper form.

Find a safe stable environment with good surface traction to work out.Carpet or rubber flooring are the best options. They can prevent slips and falls while absorbing impact. If working out outside, aim for a grassy area or bring along a workout mat versus working out on the hard pavement.

纳入力量训练和高素质计,而不是体重训练。Strength training is said to help improve sports performance and increase endurance but lifting too much too early can be bad for their growing bodies.

汉密尔顿博士说:“到7岁左右,儿童的大脑具有神经肌肉控制,可以在举重时具有适当的形式和技术,但是在这个年龄,目标不应繁殖和健美。”“ 5至17岁的儿童骨骼系统还没有为此做好准备。举重会给他们的生长板上施加太多的力。”

If your child wants to strength train, opt for little weights, resistance bands or exercises that utilize their own body weight. There’s plenty of time for them to bulk up when they are in their late teens or early 20s.


儿童健康 育儿 Wellness Fitness

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